When it comes to Kronoswiss laminate floor this is not an exaggeration. Guaranteeb by the high-density moulded fibreboard, it thrives on being a busy stage for the feet of children, adults and furniture.When it comesto laying, comfort and cleaning, all the various types available are first-class. All different, they like nothing better than using their visual charms to flirt and vie with each other each hopping to catch your eye and be the boards that you will tread. Happy decision-making!
Kronoswiss floor are:
stain-resistant light-fast resistant to smouldering cigaratte butts and ash hard-wearing and crush-resistant natural and free from harmful materials suitable for warm-water floor heating abrasion-resistant and suitable for use with castors comfortable to walk on with impact soundproofing flame-retardant easy to clean and resistant prevents sattlement of dirt and harmful bacteria | |